As infographics begin trying to incorporate more data to be visualized, an interactive approach may be most appropriate to piece everything together.
Being interested in the racing world, we decided to begin creation of an interactive infographic for the popular Nürburgring Nordschleife racetrack in Germany. The track has been around since 1927 and has large amounts of data under its belt. Since there is such a vast amount of data, an interactive (opposed to a static image) infographic is most suitable.
The infographic will cover information such as cars and drivers with the top laptimes. When the user selects a part of the track (turns and straights), an image of the selection will be displayed. Following the image will be an in depth description of what a driver should know prior to driving on it – tips, description of the road, elevation, turn degree, etc.
Our goal with this interactive infographic is to not only display track data but to help first-time visitors be better prepared. You can play the track on video games such as Gran Turismo or Forza, which boast track accuracy; however, they cannot properly simulate track specifics such as the feel of the pavement, bumps, elevation, and so forth.
The Nürburgring Nordschleife is 12.9-miles long and one of the world’s most demanding tracks with 154 turns in just the Nordschleife section alone (excluding the GP-Strecke section mainly used for F1) – a driver’s skill, focus, preparation, vitality, and endurance will definitely be put to the test. Being so demanding also makes it more dangerous than the average racetrack. Hopefully our interactive infographic will be able to help people be better prepared and have a better understanding of what to expect when they get there.
We were excited to be able to present our Interactive Nürburgring Infographic.