Today is National Burrito Day, a day about appreciating the delicious culinary creation and the surprisingly significant data insights it carries.
A history
From conquistadores to people from Sonora, the burrito has a rich Mexican history as well as strong American popularity. Starting in the 1950’s, as Mexican cuisine moved further North, Americans were able to enjoy a brand new culinary experience. And now, it’s so popular that Chipotle even markets itself as a “lifestyle brand” and has even changed the burrito landscape with a bowl. The chain now has more than 1,700 locations Americans can enjoy.
The price of the burrito = important data analytics
The burrito also represents the importance of data analytics because of its cultural, economic, and even socio-political impacts.
The average price of a burrito, like other popular foods, is an indicator of purchasing power. From 2001 to 2016, the price of a burrito rose from $2.50 to $6.50, a 160% increase. However, the official inflation for the same time period only rose by 35%, meaning you would need $1.35 in 2016 to have the same purchasing power as $1 in 2001. Following the official inflation rate, 2016 burritos should have been worth $3.38, but instead cost nearly double the amount. It sounds funny to measure the value of a dollar to a burrito, but it’s an alarming indicator of an inflation imbalance. We aren’t earning enough and our money isn’t worth enough to accommodate the rapidly rising cost of living. But inflation isn’t the only burrito data insight to worry about.
Varying prices for ingredients can usually be linked to more obvious agricultural and natural events, but they’re also connected to politics. President Trump has been pushing to close the US-Mexico border to keep immigrants out. However, data from the Department of Agriculture tells us of all fruits and vegetable imports, nearly half comes from Mexico. And about 100% of the avocados American eat are grown in Mexico so if Trump gets his way, our food supply, businesses, and diets will change drastically and ripple out with other consequences.
Food contamination cases are especially important data points that pinpoint the source. The most recent e.coli outbreak once again began with contaminated water and public health agencies isolated the data to California farms. Historical data tells us California has more outbreak cases, probably due to a higher density of residents, Mexican culture, and farms compared to other states. And running a burrito restaurant can be risky when you’re up against e.coli, data breaches, and subsequent decline in stock value.
Running a business? Analytics provide critical marketing and operational insights. Like how burritos are most popular on Saturdays, especially in December. Or maybe the latest wage increase has you changing the prices. Are you using digital apps and investigating user data? In a time of tech evolution, data is infinitely more valuable to
Marketing and Advertising
Like most National food-related days, you’ll find some great promotions.
Check out deals in your area and celebrate burrito data!